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Technology Services

Department of Technology Services

The mission of the Department of Technology Services is to provide a reliable infrastructure, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the teaching and learning process. The department aligns and allocates technology resources in a manner that reflects the school division's mission and strategic goals.


The Department of Technology Services supports the mission of ACPS by seeking to provide a reliable infrastructure, improve operational efficiency, and enhance the teaching and learning process. Technology Services leads and manages the implementation of a technology plan by aligning the technology goals to the division goals.


  • Goal 1 - Learning Environment: Provide accessible, engaging technology resources to create an environment for equitable and innovative teaching and learning.
  • Goal 2 - Infrastructure: Provide a reliable, scalable, transparent and resilient infrastructure that facilitates the operation of the school division and supports greater access and equity.
  • Goal 3 - Safety, Security, and Privacy: Minimize security risks through the use of systems, training, and policies.
  • Goal 4 - Professional Learning: Provide multiple models of professional learning that provide growth and development for all staff.

ACPS Technology Plan 2023-2028 (PDF)

ACPS Technology Plan Crosswalk Documents (PDF)

Helpful Links

Contact Information

Dr. Elizabeth Hoover

1340 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314


Contact Information

Infrastructure and Support Services
John Crites, Director

Education and Business Applications
Dr. Marya Runkle, Director

Instructional Technology
Dr. Emily Dillard, Director

Technology Services Help Desk