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Parent Guide

How to Access ACHS School Counseling College Planning Resources

  1. Log into "PowerSchool Parent Access"
    • PowerSchool Parent login, create an account, reset the password, troubleshoot
    • ACPS Parent Canvas orientation, tips, info (including how to update Canvas notifications; a great way to make sure you receive posts for your child’s/children’s grade level)
  2. If you have more than one ACPS student, top left, click on the appropriate student
  3. Then (top left) click “Link to Canvas” - this takes you to your student's Canvas dashboard. There are two ways for parents to access the college planning resources:
    • Option 1: Click your student’s Counselor’s/School Counseling page, then (upper left) click on School Counseling & College & Career Center Resources; you will land at the School Counseling Resource Center
    • Option 2: Click on the Student Resources page, then click on School Counseling,you will land at the School Counseling Resource Center
  4. Review the “Resources”, with special attention to:
    • Naviance How-To Videos: Naviance helps students (as early as middle school) research and plan for college, careers, and life readiness AND helps seniors manage the college application process.
      • Naviance is only accessible via an ACPS student account.
      • Naviance is the link between students/their college application(s), their school counselor, and all the colleges to which they are applying!
      • Parents & students should watch the “Naviance Student Tour & Overview” to learn how to navigate Naviance & review key features.
    • College Application Tools: Checklists, guides, and important links (especially the link "Information Specifically For Titan Seniors")

Students can also access these resources from their student account:

  • Students access all platforms (PowerSchool, Canvas, Naviance) via Clever
  • Go to their Canvas dashboard, then “School Counseling Resources” OR
  • Go to their Canvas dashboard, then “Student Resources”, then “School Counseling”

Other ACHS College Planning & Financial Aid Resources: